Consultancy Services
IT Consultancy services
In the last several ducats, Many Information and communication technologies has developed. Which leads to radical changes in the interaction level between the individuals and IT resources. As these resources became available to anyone with low coast, and every user can organize many of his daily life issues through these abilities. And during the last period these technologies not limited with individual manner, but many foundations and governmental institutions seek for to organize and automate their own work through the use of these abilities. And despite the major growth of exploit the modern abilities of IT and communications systems, but the major part of interest bounded with organize the internal matter of individual and foundation and never expanded enough to organize the interacted daily individual – foundation, foundation – foundation, or individual/foundation – government relationship, and to handle the lack of interactional relationship, the (PORTAL) concept has emerged which would manage the relationship between the government and the other individual, foundation or other governments, ant to show the importance of the Portal many slogans has raised, such as “The world a small village”, “World Without Paper”, or “Interaction is restriction”. The concept of “E-Government” has become a modern active mean that most countries seek to imply and develop continuously, to update systems and the adopted mechanisms in the state, so they help support the work with the latest technologies of IT and communication. And through the last years the use of IT resources has developed to executes many of administrative, economic and social reform programs, and it`s refaxed positively on citizens, investors, and companies that the government deals with.
In General, we can say the Portal projects provide the governments of high level of automated computerized tools to accomplish most government – citizen relationship works in record time and with minimal effort and a high level of efficiency.